If you earn income through affiliate programs you know you need to use a cloaker when advertising. Most cloaking services are good at letting you know how many visitors came to your site. But if you're like me and want to know where your advertising is most effective, you want to also know where those visitors are coming from!
Ebiz Free Ads, which is affiliated with MyFreeAdboard, can help with that. Sign up for your own Classified AdBoard, then once you upgrade to Pro Membership you can get access to link tracking and detailed stats for each and every cloaked link you create. This will show date and time of hits, ip address and the referring url. This is a great to see where your hits are coming from and allows you to evaluate your advertising methods.
So click here to sign up for your free adboard, then upgrade after you login.
To your success,
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
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