This post will cover the mechanics of writing your ads.
Product Selection
As I mentioned in the last post, safelists cater to a particular market. What you want to do is offer a product or service in your mailing that this market has an interest in. Basically you want to offer web traffic building services or tools as well as products that help with list building. These are primarily what affiliate, Internet and network marketers are always looking for online. They are trying to keep up with what resources can give them a better return on their online ventures.
Another market that views ads in safelists are business opportunity seekers and those looking to make extra money online. If you have offerings of this type, then safelists can deliver a ready market for these services as well. If you can offer this type of products and promote them the right way through a safelist, you can very likely see positive results in your sales/subscription figures.
Email Ad Titles
Since safelist members are going through several ads at a time, the title of your email ad is critical. It needs to be catchy and give a member incentive to click, but it should NOT be overtly misleading. That is considered spamming. Below are example of titles you should NOT use for your ads:
Here are some examples of Misleading Subject Lines:
"Activate your account, please"
"Remove!!""Account cancelled"
"Your Account Has Been De-Activated"
"From Admin"
"Admin - Your Confirmation Required"
"Notification of Payment Received!!"
"Payment Notification"
"URGENT - You Must Confirm Your Free Position Now !"
"Your commission check"
"You've made another commission!"
"From Your Sponsor"
"I joined your downline"
"Activate your account, please"
What you want to create is some curiosity or desire to see what you actually
have to offer. A title like “Frustrated With Trying To Promote Your Business?” is more effective. Study good ad headlines that have attracted you in the past to get more ideas. Figure out a problem that people need to solve, then offer a solution!
Hint: Also be careful with the use of the word FREE as it can easily be flagged by spam filters and your message may not be delivered. Try mixing it up such as f^r^e^e or fr/e/e and also by not using all caps.
Writing Your Ad
Present your ad in an attractive format with lots of white space, easy to read fonts, and clear graphics or pictures. If HTML is available take advantage of it and make your ads stand out once a member has clicked on it. Proofread for spelling and grammatical errors since once it’s sent, it’s like any other email, it can’t be changed.
Create desire, tap into the reader's needs, illicit an emotional response. Maybe you can help them to earn extra money so they can pay bills or help them finally get more traffic to their website. Write in a conversational manner, as if you were talking to a friend. Most Internet promotions have a friendly, helpful tone. Don’t be too serious or clinical, but don't make over exaggerated claims either. Be realistic but tap into the reader's needs.
The final post in this series covers some final tips that you don't want to miss!
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
Ebizz Free Ads