Have signed up for a few viral mailer services lately and so far I'm not really impressed. The ones I've joined have a requirement of paying for upgrades as soon as you sign on. With most text ad exchanges or safelists I've joined free members receive some credits to start mailing immediately. It's frustrating to take the time to sign up and be forced to have to pay for a service that I don't even get to try out to see if the list is responsive. Then if I like the service I may consider the option to upgrade.
Also what is the real difference betwwen a viral mailer and a safelist or credit mailer, anyway?
Not sure if this is just my beef, has anyone else experienced this? Please feel free to comment, thanks for visiting!
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
Friday, June 28, 2013
Viral Mailers, Are They Just A New Name For Safelist?
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Bweeble Offers Credit Mailer Service, Social Media Connection, Also Brands Your Business
Bweeble, an online advertising and branding service, has lots of responsive members that have joined and I use their credit mailer. They have also set up a social media component that allows you to connect with other members through posting on boards.
Free members can email 1000 members every 7 days and you earn credits through reading emails or by purchasing them. If you upgrade you can send emails to 1000's of members every 2, 3 or 4 days depending on your plan.
You can also brand your Bweeble profile page including adding your affiliate pages and websites for members to view as well as customize your promotion links.
Last, but not least, you can also earn income from reading member emails, you also make money when any of your referrals buy credits or upgrade.
Easy to use and effective advertising source, click here to sign up free, you can upgrade inside.
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
5 High PR Ranking Blogs To Leave Comments And Get More Exposure To Your Site
Here are 5 that I comment on:
http://intenseblog.com -- PR5
http://comluv.com -- PR 5
http://bloggingtips.com -- PR5
http://weblogbetter.com -- PR4
http://freebloghelp.com -- PR4
You get search engine juice through a backlink from these high ranking sites in addition to other blog readers visiting that see your comments and site URL. Also these blogs use a WordPress plugin called CommentLuv where you get to have your last blog post listed with your comment.
Make sure to add a comment that contributes to the conversation, not just spam or a generic statement. Blog authors often delete comments that don't add value or can somtimes block you from commenting. If you come up with interesting or thought provoking additions to the topic you'll generate more interest in people who may also want to check your website.
Please feel free to leave comments below, also let us know of your favorite blogs for commenting.
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
blog commenting,
blog comments,
tips and tricks
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Watch This Video On How To Get Massive Traffic Using A Classified Ad Submission Service
There are lots of services that you can use in order to generate website traffic, but some are obviously more effective than others. Also you may have to spend a lot of time posting ads or submitting your site to search engines and directories. In order to get serious traffic you'll need to automate the process.
But not all automated services are created equal. There are lots of blaster type submission services that simply go out to outdated lists or lots of fake email accounts. Also you don't want your website submitted to a lot of spam sites which can hurt your ranking in search engines.
Look into using a reputable service like Classified Submissions, which is the Classified Ad Submission Service I use. They will submit your site to over 500,000 classified ad sites, search engines, forums, and more. Also they will also create a manual Craigslist posting and now offer Backpage listings as well. The process is automated which saves you time, you'll also receive massive traffic since your classified ad will be submitted to ad sites throughout the month.
Watch the video below for more details on the service:
To get your website submitted to over half a million advertising sites now, click here.
Feel free to post comments or questions. Thanks for visiting.
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
But not all automated services are created equal. There are lots of blaster type submission services that simply go out to outdated lists or lots of fake email accounts. Also you don't want your website submitted to a lot of spam sites which can hurt your ranking in search engines.
Look into using a reputable service like Classified Submissions, which is the Classified Ad Submission Service I use. They will submit your site to over 500,000 classified ad sites, search engines, forums, and more. Also they will also create a manual Craigslist posting and now offer Backpage listings as well. The process is automated which saves you time, you'll also receive massive traffic since your classified ad will be submitted to ad sites throughout the month.
Watch the video below for more details on the service:
To get your website submitted to over half a million advertising sites now, click here.
Feel free to post comments or questions. Thanks for visiting.
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
classified ad submission service,
classified ads,
classified submissions,
online advertising,
post to classifieds
Monday, June 24, 2013
5 Tips To Get Your Tweets Retweeted On Twitter
Wanted to share an article that called that focuses on tips to get your tweets retweeted on Twitter. Once you start getting others to retweet your tweets you start getting more traffic to your website since more people are generating interest in your site. Also it works best if you come up with something amusing, inspirational or even helpful. People tend to want to share those types of tweets more often.
Click here to read the article now. Feel free to post comments or questions.
Sondra Carpemter
Internet Advertising Consultant
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Yours2Success Text Ad Exchange Special Promotion Ad Package

This is the current Special Offer they have. This ad package is not only a good price, it's a great deal since the Super Solos go out to over 60,000 members!
Special Ad Package:
50000 points
15 solos
4 banners - 1000 views
2 Buttons - 1000 views
4 traffic links - 50 views
4 hotlink links - 1000 views
4 login ads - 500 views
3 Super Solos
(goes out to 32 Partner sites and 60,000+ Members!)
Just: 3.00$
I get good responses from their Super Solo Ads. But I don't know how much longer the admin will be running this promotion, so you may want to check this out now!
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
email advertising,
email marketing,
online advertising,
solo ads,
special offer,
super solo ads,
text ad exchanges
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Free Report: Over 100 Ways To Get Backlinks To Your Site
You've heard about how important it is to get backlinks to your website. Even with the most recent Google updates, it's still a critical part of SEO and provides better search engine rankings.
Quality backlinks can be obtained through a variety of sources, but you'll need to know the right techniques and services to use to get results.
This report is crammed literally with over 100 tutorials, tips as well as advice to help you to start getting more organic traffic. Click here to download your FREE report now.
Would like to get your comments on this report, feel free to share your thoughts below.
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
Quality backlinks can be obtained through a variety of sources, but you'll need to know the right techniques and services to use to get results.
This report is crammed literally with over 100 tutorials, tips as well as advice to help you to start getting more organic traffic. Click here to download your FREE report now.
Would like to get your comments on this report, feel free to share your thoughts below.
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
free report,
website traffic
Friday, June 21, 2013
BillBoardCash.com Offers Advertising As Well As A Way To Earn Income
A new ad site from Maryanne Myers called BillBoardCash.com offers advertising that piggybacks off of other members' sites through a digital billboard that rotates ads.
You earn credits as well as get exposure to your ad by sharing your page. Also you don't have to click any ads and you won't get emails in your inbox. You post your ad once, that's it.
Free as well as upgraded members can earn commissions - up to $250 per sale. Upgraded members will receive guaranteed signups and get credits when those members show their referral page. It's also worth the upgrade to not only get higher commissions but to also get more credits to have your ads shown on more member boards. This puts your promotion on autopilot!
Click here to check out my BillBoardCash.com page and see how it works. Sign up for free, then upgrade after you log in.
Thanks for visiting!
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
internet advertising,
internet marketing,
make money online,
online advertising
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Why Bother To Use A Classified Ad Submission Service? - Part 3 Of 3
The last post in this series focuses on another feature of a Classified Ad Submission Service...backlinks!
Since using a Classified Ad Submission Service to submit your ad automates the process and gets massive exposure to your business the result is quality backlinks to your site.
The type of backlinks you get to your site are important. The more links to your site from high authority sites as well as ones that are niche related, the better. Links that come from spammy sites or link farms can actually hurt your search engine rankings.
Click here to start getting backlinks with a Classified Ad Submission Service that submits your classified ad to over 500,000 advertising sites monthly.
Thanks for reading, please feel free to post questions or comments below.
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
Since using a Classified Ad Submission Service to submit your ad automates the process and gets massive exposure to your business the result is quality backlinks to your site.
The type of backlinks you get to your site are important. The more links to your site from high authority sites as well as ones that are niche related, the better. Links that come from spammy sites or link farms can actually hurt your search engine rankings.
Click here to start getting backlinks with a Classified Ad Submission Service that submits your classified ad to over 500,000 advertising sites monthly.
Thanks for reading, please feel free to post questions or comments below.
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
Monday, June 17, 2013
Why Bother To Use A Classified Ad Submission Service? - Part 2 Of 3
Another reason to use a Classified Ad Submission Service is to quickly reach lots of targeted prospects. Classified ads are viewed by visitors that are looking for specific products and services and are ready to buy. Often with other sites they may just be "window shopping" or simply looking for information.
You can manually post to classified ads, but as I mentioned in my previous post, that can be tedious. You can get massive traffic to your site using a Classified Ad Submission Service that submits your ad to 1000's of ad sites, search engines, forums and message boards. Obviously the more your ad is submitted the better your website ranking will be in the search engines. This also makes it easier for your customers to locate you.
Click here to find out more about the Classified Ad Submission Service I use. You can start getting your ad posted to over 500,000 ad sites starting within 24 hours.
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Marketing Consultant
You can manually post to classified ads, but as I mentioned in my previous post, that can be tedious. You can get massive traffic to your site using a Classified Ad Submission Service that submits your ad to 1000's of ad sites, search engines, forums and message boards. Obviously the more your ad is submitted the better your website ranking will be in the search engines. This also makes it easier for your customers to locate you.
Click here to find out more about the Classified Ad Submission Service I use. You can start getting your ad posted to over 500,000 ad sites starting within 24 hours.
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Marketing Consultant
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Why Bother To Use A Classified Ad Submission Service? - Part 1 Of 3
Using a Classified Ad Submission Service saves you a lot of time. Classified ads are still very effective but each site has their own set up for registering, logging in and posting ads. This can be very time consuming if you want to post to several classified ad sites.
A Classified Ad Submission Service can automate the process for you and some can even automatically renew your ads. This puts your promotions on autopilot since classifieds sites also have different run times before the ads will expire.
Click here to check out the Classified Ad Submission Service that I use to get my site submitted to over 500,000 advertising sites monthly.
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
A Classified Ad Submission Service can automate the process for you and some can even automatically renew your ads. This puts your promotions on autopilot since classifieds sites also have different run times before the ads will expire.
Click here to check out the Classified Ad Submission Service that I use to get my site submitted to over 500,000 advertising sites monthly.
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
Thoughts On Getting Your Blog Comments Posted
Although bloggers welcome comments on their blog, I personally appreciate the occasional visitor that actually takes time out to really share their thoughts on the post. You don't have to write a whole paragraph on the subject, but it's great when visitors contribute to the conversation.
Since I moderate all comments here, I toss out the ones that are just spam, meaning, your link is to a competing product or service as well as ones with no real information such as "good post".
So if you really want to get your comments added here to get a backlink, please take a little time to add your related thoughts or experiences.
Feel free to post comments or questions below. Thanks for visiting.
Sondra Carpenter
Ebizz Free Ads
Since I moderate all comments here, I toss out the ones that are just spam, meaning, your link is to a competing product or service as well as ones with no real information such as "good post".
So if you really want to get your comments added here to get a backlink, please take a little time to add your related thoughts or experiences.
Feel free to post comments or questions below. Thanks for visiting.
Sondra Carpenter
Ebizz Free Ads
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Free Report: 12 Tips To Help You Get More Sales From Your Classified Ads
Classified ads are an old school form of advertising but are still very effective. Since visitors to classified sites are looking specifically for certain products and services they are actually targeted buyers, not just surfing for information.
Lots of marketers usually overlook utilizing this marketing tool since they may get less than impressive results if they don't know how to use it the right way.
To get you started with getting more traffic and sales from classified advertising download this report from the link below:
Feel to leave questions or comments below.
Lots of marketers usually overlook utilizing this marketing tool since they may get less than impressive results if they don't know how to use it the right way.
To get you started with getting more traffic and sales from classified advertising download this report from the link below:
FREE Report: 12 Tips To Help You Get More Sales From Your Classified Ads!
Feel to leave questions or comments below.
Sondra Carpenter
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Free Webinar: Pinterest Strategies To Double Your Traffic in 90 Days
If you're not familiar with it yet, Pinterest is the hottest social media platform right now. The concept is a virtual pinning board similar to a cork board where you would pin pictures you like that you wish to share.
Pinterest has been growing tremendously, more visitors have been spending time there than on Facebook!
As with any social media service its good to find out the best way to use it to generate actual customers.
Click this link to sign up for the FREE webinar to see how you can utilize Pinterest to get followers and grow your business.
Want to share your Pinterest experiences or have questions? Feel free to post below.
Sondra Carpenter
Internet Advertising Consultant
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Post Free Ads 4 Times A Day Plus Earn Instant Commissions
Classifieds Ad Board is a new advertising site from Frank Salinas, a heavy hitter in the Internet Marketing arena. With this service you can post classified ads free 4 times every day plus earn instant commissions from your referrals when they upgrade or buy premium advertising.
Since members are able to post ads several times a day they are more likely to view your ads, especially the Premium Ads that are posted at the top of the site from upgraded members. You don't receive any emails and there are no special systems you need to learn. Just post your ads daily!
Click here to sign up now.
Sondra Carpenter
Ebizz Free Ads
classified ads,
classifieds ad board,
frank salinas,
free ads,
instant commissions,
internet advertising,
internet marketing
Monday, June 10, 2013
3 New Categories For Classified Ads At EbizzFreeAds.com

There are 3 new Classified Ad categories have been added to Ebizz Free Ads, my free classified ads site.
The new categories are:
1. Web Hosting - for hosting service providers and affiliates
2. Paid To Click - for PTC sites as well as CPA offers and leads
3. Traffic Generation - for list builders, bulk mailers and submission services
Make sure you stop by and post your free ad now, get started by clicking the banner above.
Please feel free to post comments below. Also let us know if there is a category that you'd like to see added to the classifieds site.
Sondra Carpenter
Ebizz Free Ads
The Best Advertising Blog Is Back!
The Best Advertising Blog is back! I've taken some time off from posting, over a year actually, and have been working on other projects.
Decided to come back since I realized I had a large audience that was very responsive...have a lot of comments to approve and post, so be patient folks! Also I have a growing team with one of the businesses I'm involved in and wanted to provide advertising resources for them. Please note the older posts have been updated and I am currently still using the services listed on the blog.
Please feel free to comment below on topics you would like to see covered.
Thanks for visiting...again!
Sondra Carpenter
Ebizz Free Ads
Decided to come back since I realized I had a large audience that was very responsive...have a lot of comments to approve and post, so be patient folks! Also I have a growing team with one of the businesses I'm involved in and wanted to provide advertising resources for them. Please note the older posts have been updated and I am currently still using the services listed on the blog.
Please feel free to comment below on topics you would like to see covered.
Thanks for visiting...again!
Sondra Carpenter
Ebizz Free Ads
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